How to Plan a Successful Multi-Portal HubSpot Consolidation

How to Plan a Successful Multi-Portal HubSpot Consolidation

As businesses grow and evolve, the need for consolidating multiple HubSpot portals into a single, unified system becomes increasingly evident. A successful consolidation not only enhances efficiency and data integrity but also supports strategic business goals. However, the process of merging multiple portals requires meticulous planning and execution. In this section, we delve into the essential steps and considerations for planning a successful multi-portal consolidation.

Identifying Critical Business Processes for the Future State

The foundation of a successful multi-portal consolidation lies in understanding and defining the critical business processes that need to be solved for in the future state. This involves a comprehensive review of the current processes across all existing portals and identifying areas of redundancy, inefficiency, and potential improvement.

To begin with, it is crucial to map out the current workflows and processes. This mapping should encompass all key functions, including marketing, sales, customer service, and operations. By documenting these workflows, organizations can gain a clear understanding of how data flows through the system, where bottlenecks occur, and how processes can be streamlined in the consolidated portal.

Next, the focus should shift to designing the future state processes. This involves rethinking and reengineering workflows to align with the organization’s strategic goals. The aim is to create efficient, standardized processes that eliminate redundancies and support seamless operations across the entire organization. Collaboration with key stakeholders from various departments is essential during this phase to ensure that the redesigned processes meet the needs of all users.

Conducting Stakeholder Interviews and Reverse Demos

A critical aspect of planning a successful multi-portal consolidation is gaining insights into the current user journeys and experiences. This can be achieved through stakeholder interviews and reverse demos. Stakeholder interviews involve engaging with key users and stakeholders across different departments to understand their workflows, pain points, and requirements.

Reverse demos, on the other hand, involve users demonstrating their daily tasks and processes within the current system. This approach provides a firsthand view of how users interact with the system, what challenges they face, and where improvements can be made. These insights are invaluable in shaping the consolidation strategy and ensuring that the new portal meets the needs of all users.

During these interviews and demos, it is important to ask specific questions about data usage, workflow efficiency, and system integration. Understanding how data is currently used and how it needs to be used in the future is crucial for designing a system that supports efficient data management and decision-making.

Data Cleaning and Deduplication

One of the most challenging aspects of multi-portal consolidation is managing the data. Multiple portals often lead to data silos, inconsistencies, and duplications. Therefore, data cleaning and deduplication are critical steps in the consolidation process.

The first step is to conduct a thorough data audit and inventory. This involves identifying all data sources, assessing data quality, and determining the volume of data that needs to be migrated. The goal is to create a comprehensive inventory of all data that will be part of the consolidated portal.

Once the data audit is complete, the next step is to clean and deduplicate the data. This involves identifying and removing duplicate records, correcting inaccuracies, and standardizing data formats. Tools and technologies such as data cleansing software and automation tools can be used to streamline this process and ensure data accuracy and integrity.

In addition to cleaning and deduplicating data, it is also important to establish data governance policies. These policies define how data will be managed, who will have access to it, and how it will be maintained over time. A robust data governance framework ensures that data remains accurate, consistent, and secure in the consolidated portal.

Designing the Desired Permission and Governance Structure

Effective permission and governance structures are essential for maintaining control and security in a consolidated portal. The first step is to define the roles and permissions required in the new system. This involves identifying the different user roles, their responsibilities, and the level of access they need to perform their tasks.

A role-based access control (RBAC) model is commonly used for this purpose. In an RBAC model, access rights are assigned based on the user’s role within the organization. This ensures that users only have access to the information and functionalities they need, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

In addition to defining roles and permissions, it is also important to establish governance policies and procedures. These policies outline how data will be managed, who is responsible for maintaining it, and how changes to the system will be handled. Governance policies help ensure that the consolidated portal remains secure, compliant, and efficient over time.

Identifying Critical Integrations

Integrations play a vital role in ensuring that the consolidated portal can seamlessly interact with other systems and applications. Therefore, identifying and planning for critical integrations is a key step in the consolidation process.

The first step is to create an inventory of all existing integrations in the current portals. This includes identifying the systems and applications that are integrated with HubSpot, the type of data that is exchanged, and the frequency of data transfers. Understanding the current integration landscape is essential for planning future integrations.

Next, the focus should shift to identifying the critical integrations that need to be supported in the future state. This involves evaluating the existing integrations, identifying any gaps or redundancies, and determining the new integrations that need to be established. The goal is to ensure that the consolidated portal can seamlessly integrate with all critical systems and support end-to-end business processes.

In addition to identifying critical integrations, it is also important to plan for the integration process. This involves defining the integration requirements, selecting the appropriate tools and technologies, and establishing a timeline for the integration. Effective planning and execution of integrations ensure that the consolidated portal can support seamless data flow and efficient operations.


Planning a successful multi-portal consolidation is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful consideration and meticulous execution. By identifying critical business processes, conducting stakeholder interviews and reverse demos, cleaning and deduplicating data, designing effective permission and governance structures, and identifying critical integrations, organizations can lay the foundation for a successful consolidation.

A well-planned and executed consolidation not only enhances operational efficiency but also supports strategic business goals and provides a solid foundation for future growth. By following these best practices and leveraging the right tools and technologies, organizations can successfully navigate the consolidation journey and unlock the full potential of their HubSpot investment. Read on for a deeper dive on what to do if you’ve inherited a HubSpot portal and need help figuring out where to start.