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How to Prepare for Multi-Portal HubSpot Consolidation

Written by Charles Elmer | Aug 23, 2024 6:47:36 PM

The journey to a successful HubSpot multi-portal consolidation involves meticulous planning and preparation. Before embarking on the actual migration, it's crucial to lay a solid foundation to ensure a smooth and efficient transition. This preparation phase involves several key activities, including addressing specific HubSpot considerations, understanding common migration issues, and utilizing a comprehensive portal consolidation checklist. Each of these elements plays a vital role in setting the stage for a successful consolidation.

Addressing HubSpot Considerations

One of the first steps in preparing for a multi-portal consolidation is to address the unique considerations associated with HubSpot. This involves understanding the differences and implications of various configurations, such as business units versus multi-portals. Each configuration option comes with its own set of advantages and challenges, and it's essential to determine which setup aligns best with your organization’s needs and long-term goals.

Business units within HubSpot offer a way to manage multiple divisions or brands within a single portal. This setup can simplify management and reporting, as all data resides within one portal. However, it may not adequately address complexities in terms of permission management and data segmentation. On the other hand, maintaining separate portals for different business units can provide clearer boundaries and tailored configurations but at the cost of increased administrative overhead and potential data silos.

To make an informed decision, it’s beneficial to consult resources like the article linked above on business units versus multi-portals. These resources can provide valuable insights into the pros and cons of each approach and help you weigh the options based on your specific business requirements.

Understanding Common Migration Issues

Another critical aspect of migration preparation is understanding the common issues that may arise during the consolidation process. By identifying these potential pitfalls early, you can develop strategies to mitigate risks and ensure a smoother transition.

One of the most frequent challenges encountered during migration is data inconsistency. When consolidating multiple portals, discrepancies in data formats, naming conventions, and structures can lead to confusion and errors. To address this, it's essential to standardize data formats and establish clear naming conventions before the migration begins. This ensures that data from different sources can be seamlessly integrated into the consolidated portal.

Another common issue is managing user permissions and access rights. In a multi-portal environment, different portals may have distinct permission structures and access controls. Consolidating these portals requires a careful review and reconfiguration of user roles and permissions to ensure that users have appropriate access in the new system. This involves not only technical adjustments but also communication and training to ensure that users understand their new roles and responsibilities.

Additionally, integrations with third-party systems can pose significant challenges during migration. Existing integrations may need to be reconfigured or replaced to align with the consolidated portal's architecture. This requires a thorough assessment of all current integrations and a detailed plan for updating or replacing them as needed.

Utilizing a Comprehensive Portal Consolidation Checklist

To ensure a thorough and organized migration preparation, it's beneficial to utilize a comprehensive portal consolidation checklist. This checklist serves as a roadmap, guiding you through each step of the preparation process and ensuring that no critical tasks are overlooked.

The checklist should cover various aspects of migration preparation, including data cleaning and deduplication, system integrations, user training, and governance structure. Each item on the checklist represents a critical task that needs to be completed before the actual migration begins.

Data Cleaning and Deduplication: One of the first items on the checklist is conducting a data audit and cleaning. This involves identifying and removing duplicate records, correcting inaccuracies, and standardizing data formats. Data cleaning is crucial for ensuring data accuracy and integrity in the consolidated portal. Automated tools can streamline this process and help manage large volumes of data efficiently.

System Integrations: Another critical task is reviewing and planning for system integrations. This involves creating an inventory of all current integrations, assessing their importance, and determining how they will be managed in the new portal. For each integration, you should define the requirements, select appropriate tools, and establish a timeline for reconfiguration or replacement. Effective planning and execution of integrations are essential for maintaining seamless data flow and supporting end-to-end business processes.

User Training and Communication: User training and communication are also key components of the checklist. Migrating to a consolidated portal often involves changes in workflows, user roles, and access permissions. To ensure a smooth transition, it’s important to provide comprehensive training for all users, explaining the new system and their specific roles and responsibilities. Clear and consistent communication throughout the migration process helps manage expectations and addresses any concerns or questions that users may have.

Governance Structure: Establishing a robust governance structure is another essential task on the checklist. This involves defining the roles and responsibilities of data stewards, setting up policies and procedures for data management, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. A well-defined governance framework helps maintain data quality, security, and compliance in the consolidated portal.

Risk Management: The checklist should also include risk management strategies. This involves identifying potential risks, assessing their impact, and developing contingency plans to address them. Common risks in portal consolidation include data loss, system downtime, and user resistance. By anticipating these risks and preparing appropriate responses, you can minimize their impact and ensure a successful migration.

Here’s an example checklist to get you started:


Task Phase

Map current HubSpot objects & custom properties structure

1 - Planning

Map future HubSpot objects & custom properties structure

1 - Planning

Map lifecycle stages from current state to future state

1 - Planning

Define handoff processes between teams in HubSpot

1 - Planning

Define list of digital assets to be migrated from Source to Destination

1 - Planning

Identify workflow structure needed in Destination

1 - Planning

Build migration plan that defines all tactical steps to be taken + dependencies & timing

1 - Planning

Deploy & test re-mapped workflows in Destination

2 - Migration Prep

Technical set up of Destination portal settings & defaults

2 - Migration Prep

Set up custom views for users in Destination

2 - Migration Prep

Set up user permissions & teams in Destination

2 - Migration Prep

Migrate digital assets into Destination

2 - Migration Prep

QA/QC migrated digital assets in Destination

2 - Migration Prep

Build data mapping template to transpose existing databases into new structure

2 - Migration Prep

Define data governance model + implement system rules to enforce

2 - Migration Prep

Sandbox preview of critical path items with stakeholders

2 - Migration Prep

Build Go Live punch list for the cutover from Source to Destination

3 - Go Live Process

Disconnect domains from the Source and connect to Destination

3 - Go Live Process

Disconnect marketplace integrations from Source and connect to Destination

3 - Go Live Process

Disconnect private apps from Source and connect to Destination

3 - Go Live Process

Business units creation and segmentation of assets (if necessary)

3 - Go Live Process

Creation of standards and documentation dashboards

3 - Go Live Process

Set up 301 redirects in Destination

3 - Go Live Process

Merge & deduplicate contacts & companies

3 - Go Live Process

Migrate CRM data from Source to Destination

3 - Go Live Process

Delta Migration of records (if needed)

4 - Post Migration



Migration preparation is a crucial phase in the journey to a successful HubSpot multi-portal consolidation. By addressing specific HubSpot considerations, understanding common migration issues, and utilizing a comprehensive portal consolidation checklist, organizations can lay a solid foundation for a smooth and efficient transition.

A well-prepared migration not only enhances operational efficiency but also supports strategic business goals and provides a solid foundation for future growth. By following best practices and leveraging the right tools and technologies, organizations can successfully navigate the consolidation journey and unlock the full potential of their HubSpot investment.

Effective preparation involves collaboration, meticulous planning, and proactive risk management. By engaging with key stakeholders, standardizing processes, and addressing potential issues early, organizations can ensure a seamless transition to a consolidated portal that supports their long-term objectives and enhances overall business performance.