Bayard Bradford Blog: How to Maximize HubSpot ROI

5 Reasons You Need an Expert HubSpot CRM Administrator

Written by John B. Elmer | Nov 29, 2022 2:55:24 PM

Do you feel like your HubSpot isn’t working to its highest potential?

HubSpot has an easy-to-use design, so any organization can pick it up quickly. But once you have multiple people and departments managing it together, it can become difficult to run your HubSpot processes in harmony.

At this point, your team might ask, “Do we need a HubSpot administrator?”

If you have room in your budget to outsource, a contracted administrator can solve implementation issues for you. Discover what an outsourced HubSpot administrator does and how they’ll optimize your HubSpot operations.


 What Does a HubSpot Administrator Do? 

A HubSpot administrator assists your organization with the following tasks:

  • Day-to-day HubSpot management: Performing regular tasks that keep your HubSpot functioning at full capacity
  • Data management and data hygiene: Ensuring that all data is consistent and accurate
  • Data feed and system integration: Integrating outside apps and data sources with HubSpot Automation and workflow implementation: Automating repetitive HubSpot tasks for better efficiency
  • Report and dashboard creation: Building data reports and dashboards that provide insights into your marketing, sales, and customer service performance
  • Data analysis: Analyzing your HubSpot data with important stakeholders to find opportunities and risks

HubSpot administrators oversee your HubSpot system and teach you how to manage it more effectively. As a result, your team members will have more time to close deals, build marketing content, and support customers.

Plus, when you sign a HubSpot administration contract with an agency like Bayard Bradford, you’ll get access to a team of administrators. For less than the cost of hiring an administrator in-house, an entire group of experts will become an extension of your team.


Five Reasons You Need A Certified HubSpot Administrator

Certified HubSpot administrators deliver the following benefits to the organizations they serve:

1. Automation Efficiency

 Your HubSpot administrator can set up automated workflows tailored to your company and connect HubSpot to other platforms for consistent data.

Workflows set certain actions to trigger when an event happens to save you time on repetitive tasks. For example, you could create a workflow that assigns a lead to someone when they become qualified. You can learn more about this feature in our blog post on HubSpot automation.

Anyone with a Professional or Enterprise plan can create workflows in HubSpot, but it takes a certain level of mastery to use them at their highest potential. Multiple workflows can conflict with each other if they handle similar features. Plus, if you build a system of workflows without understanding how they work together, you may have to start from scratch if you want to redesign it.

An expert HubSpot administrator can integrate workflows like these into your HubSpot platform seamlessly:

  • Automate lead status and lifecycle stage
  • Set off automated marketing campaigns for website visitors
  • Automate sales tasks like deal creation and follow-up emails
  • Send notifications related to deal and lead status
  • Route records like tickets and leads to their corresponding team members

When you hire a HubSpot administrator, they can add another layer of automation through integrations. They can sync outside applications’ data with HubSpot to keep your information consistent across platforms.



 2. Better Cross-Department Collaboration

As you work in HubSpot, you might notice how much your people influence its performance. Even if you have a technically sound system, you’ll still run into issues when your teams don’t have the same HubSpot goals. For example, if your sales and marketing teams don’t agree on the name format they want to use, you’ll have inconsistencies across your database.

A HubSpot administration team typically has members who specialize in different areas. Administrators who specialize in facilitating revenue operations (RevOps) can connect HubSpot functions across your teams. RevOps is the alignment of sales, marketing, and customer service for a better return on investment from your customer lifecycle.

These administrators serve as a mediator between departments to make sure they follow the same processes and data protocols. They’ll align marketing, sales, and customer service to make your RevOps cycle more efficient.

For example, imagine a sales department using an older contact list they pass on to marketing. When marketing uses that list, they find that many of the emails bounce, but with so many similar issues going on in the past, they don’t know how to start a productive conversation with sales on the subject. Their HubSpot administrator can advise the departments on best practices and find a solution that works for both teams.

As you work with a RevOps-focused administrator and they get to know your organization, they’ll look for opportunities to earn more revenue through your HubSpot setup. They’ll catch inefficiencies and identify your areas of strength to help you get more from your HubSpot investment. 

3. Improved Onboarding

Your run-of-the-mill CRM training comes from a corporate trainer who gives the same stock presentation at every session. Every time you need to teach new hires how to use the software, you have to book a new training.

This model doesn’t reflect the reality of most organizations. Hires don’t always happen on a set schedule, and every business uses software differently.

HubSpot administrators from high-quality agencies use a much more adaptable model — they “train the trainer.” Instead of leaving all training to themselves, they empower one of your team members to teach others how to use HubSpot.

At Bayard Bradford, our administrators’ training program starts from the ground up by teaching your trainer how to work with different learning styles. They’ll understand how to train all the unique people on your team on using HubSpot in ways that make sense to them.

Then, your administrator will walk your trainer through the basics of HubSpot. They’ll present HubSpot’s core learning modules while making considerations for your organization’s unique platform.

Once your trainer understands HubSpot’s primary features, your administrator will provide a custom curriculum based on your business goals and HubSpot setup. You won’t get this degree of attention from standard corporate training.

After your trainer finishes their learning, they’ll have HubSpot resources on hand to refresh their knowledge at any time. From there, they can train your other team members on using HubSpot. Plus, whenever someone has a question, your trainer will become the go-to person to ask.

4. A Fully Optimized HubSpot Platform for Your Needs

Your contracted HubSpot administrator team will have the mixture of technical and RevOps knowledge needed to optimize your platform on a data level and organizational level.

When your administrators start working with your HubSpot platform, they’ll build regular routines for cleaning and enriching your data. These processes involve making data clear and consistent (cleaning) and adding information from other databases (enriching). They’ll automate as much of the process as possible through workflows and integrations with other apps, then regularly perform manual cleanings.

The technical administrators supporting you will also manage configurations and updates. As HubSpot gets new features, they’ll make sure your workflows and custom features work properly with the updates.

Depending on your approach to using HubSpot, your administrators may also help you develop custom properties. These unique fields in your HubSpot records add information specific to your organization.

As the technical administrators on your outsourced team coordinate your data and properties, your RevOps administrators will organize those changes among your teams. They’ll make sure any changes to your system will help all your go-to-market teams — marketing, sales, and customer service. In the future, you won’t have to worry about data conflicts among your departments.



5. Advanced Reporting

While HubSpot helps you maintain individual relationships with customers, it also brings your customer data together on a larger scale with reports. Expert HubSpot administrators know how to build reports that give you insights into your business’s performance.

After they ensure you have accurate data tailored to your organization, your administrator can help you create reports, build reports for you, or teach you how to make your own. Some of the report types they specialize in include:

  • Churn: The percentage of your total customers who stopped buying from your business
  • Annual recurring revenue (ARR)/Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): The regular revenue you get on an annual or monthly basis
  • Pipeline velocity: The speed that your leads move from marketing to sales to purchase
  • Close rates: The percentage of total deals your sales team closes
  • Customer lifetime value: The total revenue a customer brings during their relationship with your business
  • Cost of customer acquisition: The average cost of marketing, advertising, and sales to convert a prospect to a customer

If you’re not sure of the right reports to run for your business, your administrator team can discuss your goals with you and find the right fit.


How HubSpot Agencies Can Become Mediators in the MQL Showdown

Tons of HubSpot agencies don’t just handle HubSpot management — they also provide marketing and sales consultations. When your marketing and sales teams can’t figure out an MQL that drives them both forward, a HubSpot agency can offer an outside opinion on the matter.

HubSpot agencies that specialize in marketing and sales consultations understand how to work from a RevOps standpoint. They know how to coordinate marketing and sales to keep every part of the customer pipeline working in harmony.

As your agency works with you, it can also teach your teams how to coordinate MQL definitions in HubSpot. You can learn what fields to prioritize when qualifying leads and how to make notes that keep marketing and sales team members on the same page.


Expert HubSpot Administration From Bayard Bradford

Bayard Bradford’s certified HubSpot administrators offer all these advantages to your team in a service package customized to your business. We help mid-sized B2B manufacturing, industrial, and energy companies get the best possible results from their platform.

To learn how our administrators can improve your HubSpot operations, contact us today.